Lakeside Fit Body Trooper Testimonial

Feb 2, 2022

 by Lesa Gutenkunst

I have been challenged by my weight and my level of fitness for the majority of my adult life. I would try all the fad diets and join different gyms hoping to find a solution for the weight that I gained and the health that I had lost.  

Through a friend years ago I was introduced to Lakeside Fit Body and once I tried it, I was hooked. The exercises could be customized for my level of fitness and Lesa and her team of instructors were incredibly helpful and encouraging. I am so thankful!! 


After I time off for non-sports related injury, I came back to Lakeside and along with a better diet, have lost 58 pounds!!! I feel better, look younger and have a completely different, more hopeful outlook on life. This place has changed my life, and I feel so blessed. Thank you, Lakeside!! Dan M. 


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