Fit Body Testimonial

Feb 9, 2022

 by Lesa Gutenkunst

“I had no energy, I was ashamed of myself and didn’t like how I let my body go. I was extremely out of shape and had little to no confidence.” 


How many of us have been felt this way at one point in our life? 


Adrienne knew she needed change and joined Lakeside Fit Body to get the guidance, support with nutrition, and have some additional accountability. 


With guidance from our coaches and support from our amazing community, Adrienne was able to lose a total of 20 pounds and 12 inches! 🎉 


Are you ready to get fit and live a healthier lifestyle? We can help you by providing expert coaches and a supportive community that will be cheering you on.  


For our Transformation Jump Start Click 👉  or us a DM📲 to find out how today!